About Me

 Karen Wilson

I help women and organizations launch ideas in motion. From staying on course to doing some of the technical pieces.

 I share with you the strategies that will move the needle without you having to neglect other areas of your life.

  • Avoid the “hustle”
  • Be true to your vision
  • Keep your relationships
  • Be present
  • Establish boundaries with no FOMO
  • Continue with the YOU time so that you can enjoy the process and not burn out at the goal post.

What kind of video will serve your audience?

Through visual storytelling I assist in video creation to help your vision come alive and be presented to decision makers. Examples include

  • Promo videos
  • Case study interviews
  • Full educational video libraries to assist teachers in teaching holistic connections within our economy, society & environment . 

So many possibilities to discover together! Once the vision is in place, and the clarity is established the action becomes easier, exciting, fulfilling and ultimately profitable .

There are countless tools you can use to get to where you want to go. To get to the outcome you desire but not every tool will fit. 

Your journey comes in seasons and before you start accessing how, let’s discuss what you see.

It’s between the destinations that can be the hardest part to stay focused- especially when trying to juggle multiple ideas and/ or projects while nursing a bad case of information overload.

A little more about me...

My intrinsic intention has always been to help people step into their desired zone of happy fulfillment. 

For almost 2 decades I've been helping people like you and I to make decisions.

My mother would argue I’ve been helping others make decisions or solve problems since birth, though, lol!

 I’ve built a ton of character and have learned a lot about people, and how to listen through working various positions in sales and service . 

When I started on my entrepreneur path, getting my big vision, my idea to come alive I didn’t really know much about tech, I didn’t even have a cell phone that I used for anything other than phone calls. 

You know that saying...Careful not to wake the beast??  Once I stepped into self belief all possibilities opened up. I would just get idea after idea and I would start and stop, and get stuck, learn more, start, stop , get stuck, back up and learn more again.

 I was throwing spaghetti at the wall like something had to stick at sometime…. The problem was that most everything was sticking and that made decisions even more difficult on what I should COMPLETE first. 

Maybe the spaghetti would be sticky enough that if I went with the wrong noodle, all the others would be waiting for me right where I left them.

There are so many ideas, opportunities, conflicting information, and overall noise when it comes to making choices, it's really hard to know where to start. There’s just so much information overload to untangle. 

When I learned the skill of looking inward BEFORE looking outward everything began to change.

Like most humans I felt programmed to figure out how I was going to get my what to life instead of working on my what and following the divine steps that are laid out for you when you finally surrender to what’s called the Hero’s journey. 

Like the whole time the pathway was just waiting for you to see it and trust that it will lead you to the destination. When you trust, and tune in, all the things and people who will help you will show up.

I wondered why I struggled so hard, when every single fibre of my being my entire life has been helping OTHERS make choices, stay in their lane, and walk the pathway to their desired outcome.

And then I experienced the quiet. I committed to my own Hero’s Journey and the more ideas I let rest, the more my desire zone came to life. The more lively my clarity and confidence became.

I know overwhelm, idea overload , information overload and uncertainty bringing ideas in motion can bring. 

I’m a huge believer that launching ideas into motion also requires daily quiet time, in motion like walking outdoors. It requires rest. 

 Everything I do for you and with you is designed to free up more time and energy for you to go out and do the things that no one but you can do.

 “The way we feel about ourselves inside and out is a gateway to so many possibilities”

From time to time I may recommend programs, products that also have affiliate links. I only promote things I know, have used, and would continue to use with or without affiliate-ship.

Other places to find me :)


My Youtube Channel

My Blog

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