Who isĀ Karen?


Before we dive deeper together, you may be asking yourself, just who is this Karen person?

Before the era of Karens getting a bad rap..Karen was a typical genx namešŸ˜‰ I wasĀ even voted nicest person in my 4th grade class."You should be a motivational speaker" they said....

IfĀ they only knew ...Ā I was nice to everyone but me....


"You are the only one who can write your story (even if you are the villain)"


"Your body is your home and self care is way more than a book and a bubble bath"


"You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny, and what you can and cannot do"


Mindset & Movement Mentor | Reiki Practitioner Level 1&2

Founder of Creative Life in Motion. Author, Professional Storytelling Speaker, Managing Partner CE Analytic Ltd. (blah, blah, blah..) what's in a title anyway???

Who are you without the title ?šŸ§

That's the question...

I grew up thinking that I had only one choice in life. Go to school, get a good job, and build a stable life for myself.Ā I wanted to be a writer.

I accepted my robust frame, absorbed years of jokes, teasing, people being nice to me toĀ get closer to my friends, and the best of all hearing "You'd be so pretty if you just lost 50lbs"Ā 

There was way less ridiculing at my full time job at 15

I quit it all - who needs school when it makes you feel so crappyā€¦??I dreamed of being a writer one dayā€¦

I went back to school as a single Mom to get my Bachelor of English

When it came time to apply for a writing job, I did not complete the assignment and quit school again.....

When I hit my late 20's my whole world changed. I started walking and lost 65lbs in a year. I had a new identity that I didn't always like.

As I built my persona in fitness, it required me to WRITE ALOT. Copy for media post, documenting experiences. The art of writing became a push pull. I felt so good when I was doing it, yet it took all of my might to sit my ass down and start.

I embarked on the ultimate path of self-discovery through an online branding course of all things. That little section of the course had me writing answers to questions I had never asked myself. It brought me back to me.Ā 

Once I stepped into who I really was, there was no going back. It was easy to lose the weight. What was harder was learning to love meĀ between the ups and downs.

Thatā€™s when Creative Life in Motion was bornā€¦only it didnā€™t have a name back then. I knew that movement (particularly walking) and writing went together, and I began accomplishing ridiculous to me things that I would have never believed I could do.

Instead of learning how to run, I dove into training and running half marathons, and full marathons and learned along the way. Instead of taking a new fitness class for a hobby, I decided I would lead it and became a Group Fitness Instructor. I started a YouTube channel, wrote and launched several failures of online courses- not because they were bad, but because I told no one they were there.....


It was 2021, and I was deep in a mentorship program to become a better storytelling speaker - working at fulfilling my dreams to BE a Motivational speaker, and maybe learn how to tell people about the courses Iā€™ve developed.

I made a deal with myself- To finally write that book. The one thatā€™s been in my head and attempted and quit over and over and over again. I approached it the same way as I approached fitness. One session at a time. One day at a time.I became disciplined with my walking routine.This fusionĀ is magical.

90 days later I self published BE Weightless, Like Your Body, Love Yourself.Ā 


Now What??? I have to tell people - I have to speak?Ā šŸ˜³

Instead of writing a Keynote, My Body is My Home was written, produced and brought alive as a "One Woman Memoir" theatrical piece with props and everything!

That was not the plan. Thatā€™s Creative Life in Motion. Nothing happens if you sit around thinking about what you want. You will also never understand what feels right and what feels wrong if you donā€™t take messy action.

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What you bring to the world matters more than you can ever imagine.

The ripple effect cannot be measured. If you walk with your Creative Life in Motion, you walk so much closer to your true self and discovery sparklesĀ in every step you take.šŸ’«Ā 

We didn't even talk yet about my 25 years in retail sales with half of that time being in Beauty Advising- that's maybe a story for another day - šŸ˜‰

If you're ready to walk away from limiting beliefs and build a life you get excited to live every day between the ups and downs and through the decades, I amĀ here to mentor you every step of the way.

What you do in this decade will show up in your next decade. Creative Life in Motion is about proactivity, putting stock in your personal health accountĀ ALONGSIDEĀ takingĀ purposeful action on your creative pursuits.Ā 

It's not one or the other- YouĀ NEEDĀ themĀ BOTHĀ to feelĀ COMPLETE...

"Karen is a joy to interact with! I always leave my communications with Karen feeling happy. Love working with this gal!
"I'm so glad I found you!!I am excited about getting up in the morning.I feel alive & alert again"