Drink Water For Weight Loss
Aug 16, 2017
We all have heard that water will help us lose fat, flush toxins, and even increase our metabolism. But how? There is something called water induced thermogenesis . Drinking 500ml at a time increases metabolic rate by up to 30%
How? Our body warms up the water...This does not mean you should be drinking freezing cold water, in fact room temperature has been proven to be best for our organs and our metabolism. However, sipping a bit all day long does not have the same metabolic effect.
So, let’s get drinking shall we?
Pure clean plain water is very underrated for what it does for our health , hydration, hunger levels, energy, cravings and more! Did you know that if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated? If we ignore that, our body is so smart, it starts to give us signals it’s hungry.
5 Water Tips to GET MORE IN You
1. If you are mostly at home all day Fill up a 4L jug of water in the am, and put it in the fridge,Make it your goal to empty it daily (nooo, not down the drain), LOL
2. If you are out most of the time Adopt a new fashion statement!! Your 32oz water bottle!! Take that beauty with you everywhere and refill it 4 times from wake up to bedtime.
3. Although pure water is best, I know it might be boring compared to other things, so try homemade infused water by brewing flavored decaf tea, or adding fresh squeezed lemon, or slices of cucumber to your water.
4. Every time you pass the kitchen sink, down a glass of water.
5. Have a big glass of water before you sit down for meals or snacks.
It is quite likely you will need to go to the bathroom more, and that will simmer down once your body gets used to it.. Everyone is unique, and if you feel like 4L is just too much, start at 3L .
With everything intuition is best, and being proactive rather than reactive. At times when it’s hot, or you are active, you might even find yourself drinking more.
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