Creative Life in Motion Blog

Level Up Your Walking Plan walking

If you've ever felt anchored to your desk and wondered how to incorporate more movement into your life, this post is for you. Let me take you...

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A Walking Plan That Works walking

Tired of fitness routines that just don’t stick? You're not alone. Finding the time and motivation for workouts can be challenging,...

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What They Don't Tell You About Walking For Weight Loss fitness after 40 movement walking

Unveiling the Power of Walking 

Let's dive into the world of walking, shall we?

First off, let's talk about how to maximize your efforts when...

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My Top 5 Strategies for Maximizing Your Health with Walking fitness fitness after 40 movement self care walking

I begged to get out of gym class, I refused to walk anywhere because I didn't like it. But then I had no choice- hello adulting. I had to get...

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Discover the Power of Silent Walking: The Missing Piece to Your Wellness Plan fitness fitness after 40 movement self care walking

I recently delved into the simple practice of silent walking and uncovered its amazing benefits for your overall well-being.

I believe that...

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