HIIT Workout
Jul 31, 2017
Incorporate Fat burning Cardio express with HIIT 2-3 times a week instead of an hour try this:
What is HIIT?
HIIT is otherwise known as high intensity training. The trick to executing this way is to “earn the break” You perform an exercise with short bursts of higher intensity. The goal is to move from the aerobic threshold to the anaerobic threshold. This does not mean you have to jump,or run. Just put more effort in so that by the time you get that 30 second or 1 min break, you feel like you really need the break. If you are not really putting that max effort in, you are actually only working aerobically and will not gain benefits of a HIIT workout.
What are the benefits of a HIIT workout?
One of the biggest benefits are the shorter time frames. Who doesn’t love getting a kick butt workout in under 30 minutes? Less stress on the body!
Not only do you burn more calories during a HIIT workout, but the effect of all that intense exertion kicks your body's repair cycle into hyperdrive. That means you burn more fat and calories in the 24 hours after a HIIT workout than you do after, say, a steady-pace run.
In addition to more fat burning ,HIIT stimulates production of the human growth hormone (HGH) by up to 450 percent during the 24 hours after you finish your workout. What is HGH and why does that matter?? Well HGH is not only responsible for increased caloric burn but also slows down the aging process, making you younger both inside and out! Umm Hello!! I’ll do what I can to stay young :)
You can do it literally anywhere and it’s the perfect choice if you are a busy person struggling to get that time in. This workout is really great for beginners as well. It will both help you feel successful and help you find your rate of exertion meter.
How do I do a HIIT workout?
Optimal working time for a HIIT is 20 minutes. Leave a couple minutes to warm up & a solid 5 minutes to cool down and stretch and you are golden!
There are a couple of ways to do this. I’d suggest starting on a treadmill (that’s how I began) , or a flat route outside if you’ve never tried a HIIT before, so that you can become familiar with your zones.( make sure you are wearing running shoes!)
I’m going to talk zones of effort in a scale of 1-10
1 being sitting down, and 10 meaning you have to stop because if you keep going you will konk.
Start your warm up at about a level of 5 and be comfortable. You can go this pace and carry on a great conversation.
Then start what I like to call the “Discovery HIIT” workout! You will need a timer of some sort if you are not on a machine. Your phone will do. I use an app called Seconds Pro (Insider tip: figure out the app before the morning of your workout)
Now, it’s time to ramp it up. Don’t forget to breath. If it's your first time, do two sets with a goal to get to all 4.
Set 1
1 minute at a personal level of 6 >>> Mk...I can hang
1 minute at a personal level of 7>>> Starting to feel it
1 minute at a personal level of 8 >>> You can talk to me but I might not answer
1 minute at a personal level of 9>>> Shut up,,,This is hard...Something is Chasing me
1 minute at a personal level of 5
Set 2
1 minute at a personal level of 6
1 minute at a personal level of 7
1 minute at a personal level of 8
1 minute at a personal level of 9
1 minute at a personal level of 5
Set 3
1 minute at a personal level of 6
1 minute at a personal level of 7
1 minute at a personal level of 8
1 minute at a personal level of 9
1 minute at a personal level of 5
Set 4 - Notice the change at the end of this set!
1 minute at a personal level of 6
1 minute at a personal level of 7
1 minute at a personal level of 8
1 minute at a personal level of 9
1 minute at a personal level of 10 >>> I’m running to save my life! Important, DO NOT take yourself to a point of leaning over gasping for air ...that’s too much.
Cooldown at 5 for 2 minutes, and then 5 minutes of stretch
That’s it!! You are done. There is no need for more exercise (even if you are used to long workouts ...trust me on this, trust the science!!)
One exception...extra flexibility training immediately following any workout will only accelerate your fitness. This does not mean overstretching in only static stretches. A combination of dynamic & static is best.
I love this pattern because you can literally do it ANYWHERE! In a gym? Use a treadmill, Rowing machine, cycle, stair stepper, or elliptical. Outside? Walk, run, jog, or combine. It’s very common to start out a little too fast. So just be loving and forgiving of your experiment phase. The pattern will feel natural with a little practice.
The only thing left is to share below this post, how did you HIIT it??
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