TCS NYC Marathon Resource Guide
Oct 26, 2018
Hello Friends!! Family & extended family!!
Buckle up...It's almost time!!
This blog post is for all things New York!!! EEEEEKKKKK! It is so close.
Every time I think about it, I get goosebumps, a little freaked out, a little teary eyed..but mostly I feel excitement.
In this blogpost I'm going to share with you:
- How to keep tabs on us during the race, and even cheer!!
- The course
- The course outline talk video from last year's expo I've studied
- The opening ceremonies info
- My race plan
- How we were able to make this bucket list item reality.
How to keep tabs on us during the race, and even cheer!!
First off- Download the app to your phone or tablet (mom a tablet is your iPad :)
Once it is downloaded, you can track us, create cheer cards and even more. My race number is 67286, and Barry's is 59528
For more info on the app, go to the official TCS NYC Marathon website
The opening ceremonies info:
What an honour! Barry and I were selected to be delegates in the TCS New York City Marathon Opening Ceremony Presented by United Airlines on Friday, November 2, at 5:30 p.m. in Central Park.
As delegates we will be marching with Canada's flag bearer and delegates from other countries in a parade through the iconic TCS New York City Marathon finish line.
Watch the TCS New York City Marathon Opening Ceremony Presented by United Airlines on starting at 5:25 p.m. and live at 5:30 p.m. ET in the NYC-metro area on WABC-TV, Channel 7.
If you use the link above you can watch it on your computer, phone or tablet :)
The course:
During our training, we've been asked many times- How long is a marathon? The following is to share a little more info answering that very question.
I've always called Barry my GPS because he always seems to know exactly where we are at any given moment.So when I noticed him studying all things New York, I thought... I think it's time I pay attention :)
Every running book, every running podcast, every running expert says to study the course. Know it as much as possible and simulate so that your body will be more prepared.
Where we live, we are amongst many hills big and small, and are ready as we will ever be for the bridges.
We've spent many a night on youtube watching course videos , and other people's reviews of the race in order to prepare our bodies and minds for the day.
This next video is one we found on Youtube as well.
It was recorded in 2014. However all the info is still relevant today . It's a play by play, moment by moment overview of the course recorded at the expo. Looking forward to catching this talk live :)
My Race Plan
I'm a girl next door recreational runner - I get that. Elite runners can cover a marathon in under 2.5 hours.
I predict I will finish between 5.5 and 6 hours . My plan is not to run the whole way, but rather run 3 minutes, walk 1. This is how I've trained on all my long distance since my hip flexor injury.
I know it's a long time to be out there. Barry will finish under 5 hours I'm sure, so just like he celebrated with me on my first 10k (picture below), and accompanied me for the last 10 & 12k on my biggest long runs, I already imagine our proud exchange of looks at the finish line.I am a really lucky gal!
My goal is the experience- to take it all in--to live in the moments that feel so surreal and to finish. :)
Barry made post on his blog a while back too --- You can find it here
And of course his Facebook video :) Love this one from last month.
How did we make this happen?
We purchased a vacation package from Stephen at Dream Travel.
How we met- I will let Barry share that story in the future, but Stephen is like one of those people you are lucky to become friends with. He really takes care of you.
Every year he takes groups of runners to New York with guaranteed entries to the largest marathon in the world, and this in fact is his 20th year.
Everything is taken care of, you just got to get there. Last year we made the decision shortly after this post
Re reading this made me tear up. It's been quite a year and here we are!.
The last time we all ran the same steps was in Dublin. That was my first marathon and Barry's 3rd . New York will be my 2nd and Barry's 5th!!
The photo above was taken before the race.
The photo below was taken after - Yup, you guessed it, Barry was there to cheer me in. I remember crossing the finish line crying with pride, then gasping for air as I realized running and crying don't go well together, lol.
And here we go again-
On the socials connect with me on instagram
Of course I'll be documenting the experience.
What are you most curious about?
What would you like to see?
To be continued ;)
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