Weight Loss through Whole Food Approach | 10 Tips
Dec 01, 2017
How do we start with a whole food approach?
The definition of whole foods is : food that has been processed or refined as little as possible and is free from additives or other artificial substances.
So in other words shop the perimeter of the grocery store, AND read labels if applicable. It's pretty simple really, but sometimes it feels complicated.
So here are 10 of my most tried and true tips :
1) Take 15 minutes every night to prepare for the next day.
2) Cook at home whenever possible (which means taking something out of the freezer if applicable).
3)"Brown Bag" to go and avoid restaurant food.
4) Drink more water. Plain and simple.
5) Eat more whole foods...yup I know that's why you are here :)
6) Fall in love with experimentation. Swap out things and choose better options for ingredients, condiments , etc...
7) Read labels.
8) Eat a protein at every meal, colourful veggies, and plant sources of fat.
9) Eat in order whenever possible. Veggies& fat protein, then complex carbs. (Oprah taught me that one :) )
10) Don't skip eating your healthy fats!!
If you'd like to dive deeper into this topic download my free quickstart ebook
I also go a little more into detail in the video below!
Trust your intuition...it's usually right!
Thanks for reading, watching, and spending some of your time with me <3
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